Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

WASHINGTON, D.C. (January 23, 2025) — Leaders at the White Oak Initiative, a diverse coalition of partners committed to the long-term sustainability of America’s white oak-dominated forests, are thrilled after significant measures supporting upland oak forests advanced on Capitol Hill this week.

This week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed, on a bipartisan basis, the Fix Our Forests Act, which included several provisions on white oak regeneration and resilience.

When enacted, the bill will provide much needed federal resources, research and coordination to help regenerate America’s white oak-dominated forests.

“White oak is a vital American resource that not only supports wildlife, but also boosts our rural economies and is pivotal for industries like distilled spirits,” said Jason Meyer, executive director of the White Oak Initiative. “Having worked hand-in-hand with Congressional leaders on white oak sustainability efforts for quite some time now, we’re grateful to Congressman Andy Barr, (R-KY) and Congressman Ami Bera (D-CA) for their continued leadership on white oak and to Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA) for their collaboration and dedication to healthy forests. We look forward to the next steps in the US Senate.”

“American white oak is essential for several American industries, particularly the bourbon industry as newly charred oak barrels are required to make bourbon,” explained Elizabeth Wise, chair of the White Oak Initiative board of directors and chief global government affairs officer at Sazerac Company. “We commend Congressman Barr, Congressman Bera, Chairman Westerman and Congressman Peters for recognizing the value of and advocating for this foundational and economically critical species.”

Currently, American white oak occupies more than 104 million acres of public and private forestland across much of the eastern and central United States, contributing billions of dollars annually to various industries, including furniture production, flooring manufacturing, cabinetry production, and the wine and spirits sector. While existing white oak stocks are sufficient for near-future demand, there are strong indications of long-term sustainability problems due to a lack of regeneration. Without direct and active forest management that promotes seedling survival, we risk experiencing a significant decline in the many benefits provided by white oak trees over the coming decades. Learn more at whiteoakinitiative.org.

About the White Oak Initiative
Founded in 2017, the White Oak Initiative is a diverse coalition of partners and stakeholders who are committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability of America’s white oak-dominated forests as well as the ecological, economic and social benefits they provide. To learn more about the White Oak Initiative, visit whiteoakinitiative.org.

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